
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021


 Hi everyone today I'm going to talk about what makes me feel complete and makes my days happier. She is my puppy Chinita! She is like my daughter. She came into my life when she was only a month old, we adopted her for my birthday, she was very small and sleepy, but when she woke up she loved to play and chew everything in her path. She usually sleeps in my bed but she loves to cuddle on my neck and sleeps all nigth long. Ocassionally she wakes up in the nigth to relieve herself or to beg for food. She really is like a baby! She is my most faithful companion, she accompanies me when I have to do errands for University until the wee hours of the morning, She is also with me when I'm sick  and when I'm sad and she sees me crying she climbs on y chest and licks my tears haha! She has really changed my life for the better :D.  Whe go for walks every afternoon and on weekend we always go for walks to different places, we go to the supermarket together, shopping or to the countr

My favorite meal

 Hi! welcome to my blog number 4, today I will tell you a little bit about my favorite food.  BURRITOS! I have always been fascinated by Burritos, it is a dish that comes from México but has become know in many parts of the world, it is often confused with Tacos. They are similar cause of the ingredients but the difference is in the dough is rolled up while in the Tacos the dough is only folded like a U. To the Burritos you can add the amount of vegetables you want, for example: Lettuce, tomato, black beans, corn, grated cheese,etc. And if you like red or white meats you can also add them. Try to add a reasonable amount so you can assemble your Burrito without problems and don't forget to add guacamole ;). My family and I love to eat Burritos, We usually eat them twice a week. They are vey delicious :).As they have a variety of vegetables they are considered healthy, they don't contain many calories if you only prepare them with vegetables and meat.  If you haven't tried th

My hobbie: Paint and Dance

 Since I was a child I was always into painting and dancing.  I attended rhythmic gymnastics classes at school for a year. Then I took ballet classes where I learned many dance techniques that have served me well to this day. Then in 2018 I enrolled in a dance academy where I spent 2 years, in these years I performed on stages and theaters dancing different styles, I had to withdraw from the academy because of the university, I no longer had the time. I would like to return someday to dance on stage. It is very entertaining and healthy :D And as for paiting, I never attender any drawing or paiting class, I only do it in my free time to relax or when a family member has a birthday, I make some kind of paiting of my own. It is something that I really like and I hope I can improve more and more. What hobbies do you have? :D   Here is a picture of me performing at the theater in Ovalle in 2019, it was for the anniversary of the academy where I danced for 2 years.