
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2021

Changes to my study programme

 Hello everyone and welcome to another blog of the week, today's topic is  "Changes to my study program". Well as I told you in one of my previous blogs I study architecture, it is a very nice career the truth, I liked it a lot even more than I expected but as every career has its pros and cons. Today I will tell you what I would like to improve my career or change it completely. On the one hand, the subjects are quite complete but I feel that they lack much more depth in certain topics, at least in the first year where many students come convinced that they will be taught from the basics, but many times this is not the case. I don't know how to draw very well and I think that at least in the workshop, which is where they make us draw the most, they should teach us from the basics but they don't, or the fact that they don't teach us how to do a correct planimetry, they only show us examples. I would like them to give us some kind of book where they tell us the

Travel to the future

 hello! how great it is to bring another Blog, this week I will talk about "time to travel to the future". Well traveling to the future causes me a lot of terror, if we think about it in a certain way you will become a spoiler of how your life will be and maybe we do not like how we see ourselves in the future but if I were given the opportunity to travel to the future personally I would like to travel to my old age, I am very curious to know how I will reach that age, if I will have good health or if I will have grandchildren, maybe I will be alone or maybe I will not reach that age, I would also like to know what happened in my life, if I accomplished everything I have been proposing these years or if maybe something completely different happened. It's all a mystery and the truth is I don't like mysteries, I prefer to discover things step by step. Maybe the exact moment I would like to arrive would be when I only have to worry about enjoying my last years of life. I